Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pigments during the Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, many different pigments were used to create clothing. Most of the pigments used were more rustic, and had more natural tones. The pigments used were made out of minerals, and therefore had that more natural color. Colors such as red ochre, yellow ochre, umber and lime white (Pigment). Many of there colors were used in paintings. The red pigments were more common because of their warmth and rich color.

Many versions of greens were used during this time as well. Some of these colors were Malachite, Verdigris as well as ultramarine, which was a blue commonly used during the time period.

Work Cited:

"Pigments through the Ages - Medieval Age (500-1400)." Webexhibits. Web. 08 Dec. 2010. <>.

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