Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The York Cycle, Bringing the Past to the Present

The York Cycle Plays, also known as the York Corpus Christi Play originated in the England in the mid 1500's (Beadle 5). The York Cycle is made up of forty-eight different plays. These plays cover topics of the bible from the Creation Myth to the Last Judgment. The York Plays are part of the Middle-English Cycle in which it is one of four only complete surviving English mystery cycle plays.

These plays have since been reproduced at revivals the early 1900's as well as in 1951, where it gained a wide success. Over 26,000 people attended the revival in 1951. After the success of the 1951 revival, selections from the plays were staged in the same location as the original, done over three to four year intervals. These productions lasted until 1988.

In 2000, a large scale performance of the York Cycle plays was preformed in York Minster. This production of these plays was the most expensive in its modern revival history. The performances lasted for a month with  over 28.000 people being an audience to it.

In this video, Medieval Theatre is discussed...


Work Cited:

Beadle, Richard (2009). The York Plays (VoIume 1 The Text). Oxford University Press. ISBN 01995788478.

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