Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Special Effects in York Plays

When it comes to the time period, the use of special effects whas not as advanced as we have it today. When poeple were doing these plays, they had to use what was around for them to use. In the crusificaton of Jesus for example, poeple used a thorn crown treated with animal blood, to create the effect of bleeding on the actor (Special Effects).

The use of a turntable was also used in order to have a dummy be placed as Jesus, for the actual stabbing and killing of Christ. Although the types of special effects were lacking, for the time period, these effects helped to create the scene of the play and tell the story as it needed to be told.

Work Cited:

"Special Effects: A History." Tabula Rasa: Writing, History and Horror. Web. 08 Dec. 2010. <>.

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