Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Sainthood of Mary Magdalene

Through out history, Mary Magdalene, has been both shamed and glorified. The history on Mary herself is filled with strife and misfourtune, until the day she meets Jesus. Mary was ""was born of ryght noble lygnange and parentis" and "habounded in rychesses." (Coletti 345). Although Mary was born of noble blood, along the way she was cast out among her fellow man. It wasn't until Christ came that people began to think of er as human again. She was just the woman with seven demons in her before Jesus cast them out. It was her devotion and redemption that has made her the Saint she is today. She is now worshiped and seen as a guide to those who have lost their way. She represents the capacity of God to forgive. She is still worshiped today in the Catholic Church, and is held as a Spiritually Powerful Saint.

Work Cited:

Coletti, Theresa. "AmericaPaupertas Est Donum Dei: Hagiography, Lay Religion, and the Economics of Salvation in TheDigby Mary Magdalene." Print. Rpt. in Speculum. 2nd ed. Vol. 76. Medeival Acadamy of America. 337-78. Print.

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